Women's Ministry


Sunday - 10AM Sunday Service I Tues. - 10 AM Community Prayer I Wed. - 7PM Bible Study

Women's Ministry

Our Women's Ministry is called the Deborah Company. We meet the 2nd Saturday of every month. Lunch is Provided. We are ordinary women coming together do extraordinary things to advancement God's Kingdom. The mission of the Deborah Company is to help Women to achieve the destiny that God has for them. 

The Deborah Company

The Deborah Company is based on a prophetic call, that Women all around the world are being called by God to hear his voice and discover their unique callings for their lives as women of destiny! We believe God is building up a company of women who are willing to do whatever it takes to be all that they have been called to be. 

Currently, we are teaching from the Book, The Deborah Company, by Jane Hamon.

  Link to book